Various modalities and genres of literary texts / Várias modalidades e gêneros de textos literarios.
quinta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2014
segunda-feira, 8 de setembro de 2014
The theme discussed here "An organizing process of the first period" is necessary to understand the literacy development throughout the educational history of the country, scanning its path until nowadays, reflecting about literacy practice in schools and why students reach the final years of elementary school without the desired results: reading and writing properly. It is also necessary to discuss the importance of family involvement in the education process, as well as to reflect on what has caused the distance between families and schools and vice versa. Another important point is the educational policies implemented by the government as well as the proper training of education professionals, mainly in regard to literacy. Finally it presents a cut of the municipal schools in Sátiro Dias city, the place where the research was done, taking into account that the education system should be guided by the principles of equality, freedom and the preparation of the citizens for the full exercise of citizenship, considering that the reading and writing development is the basic conditions to achieve these principles.
Keywords: Reading - Writing - Literacy
quinta-feira, 15 de maio de 2014
Plano de aula
Curso Ensino Fundamental
Com. Curricular Língua Inglesa
Carga Horária 20 aulas semanais Ano Letivo 2014
E. Fundamental De 5º a 8º ano
Livro didático ALIVE - Língua estrangeira moderna - Inglês
Professor Pedro Samuel de Moura Torres
1. Justificativa
Como atualmente a demanda por uma segunda língua está cada vez mais necessária e requerida, nesse caso o Inglês sendo o idioma de hegemonia e ascensão social, econômica, dentre vários outros aspectos, faz-se importante que a mesma seja estimulada, apresentada e ensinada a fim de abrir-lhes caminhos intelectuais, profissionais, sociais e econômicos. Desse modo, impulsionando-os a se adaptarem a um mundo cada vez mais globalizado e americanizado.
2. Objetivos gerais
Alfabetizar os alunos em uma segunda língua.
Apresentar os aspectos básicos da língua inglesa.
Motivar o interesse dos alunos ao idioma apresentado,
Estimular a participação dos alunos em dinâmicas e recursos audiovisuais os quais fomentem a apreciação e o interesse em conhecer a segunda língua.
Conscientizá-los sobre a importância de se aprender o inglês nos dias de hoje.
3. Objetivos específicos
Emergir os alunos no novo idioma apresentando-lhes os aspectos mais básicos da língua, instigando-os a utilizarem na pratica e na oralidade tudo que lhes vem sendo apresentado.
Imergir o aluno num mundo linguístico inusitado produzindo-lhes e fornecendo-lhes inputs necessários para abrir-lhes a mente a fim de compreender pouco a pouco o idioma apresentado.
Desenvolver a apreciação e a simpatia dos alunos pelo idioma através de vídeos educativos com desenhos animados que prendam a sua atenção para que dessa maneira, a língua estrangeira quebre as barreiras e fronteiras da aparente dificuldade de compreensão, para que eles percebam que é possível aprender e entender uma nova língua.
Desenvolver táticas e estratégias mais viáveis de se aprender um idioma.
4. Conteúdos
Por que o inglês é importante hoje em dia, Estrangeirismo, Introdução aos aspectos básicos da língua inglesa: Apresentando-se, O alfabeto em inglês, Saudações cotidianas, As cores, Os números de 1 a 100, Os dias da semana, As estações do ano, Os meses do ano, Os animais.
Continuação com outros aspectos básicos da língua inglesa: Os países, As nacionalidades, As profissões: quem sou eu, Pronomes pessoais, O verbo to be, A forma contrata do verbo "to be", Pronomes possessivos, Perguntando o número do telefone.
Alguns verbos mais usados no inglês, Frases e perguntas usadas na sala de aula em inglês, vocabulários específicos: de sala de aula, de casa, de membros da família, de comida, de frutas etc.
Pronomes demonstrativos em inglês, Advérbios, As horas, Rotinas: acordar, almoçar, dormir, etc, As partes do corpo humano, vocabulários específicos: Os esportes, Os Jogos, As artes, etc.
5. Procedimentos metodológicos
O professor apresenta-lhes o conteúdo programado do livro didático de uma maneira elucidativa, contextualizada e simplificada. O mais lúdico possível, o professor estimula-lhes a sempre por em pratica tudo o que lhes foi passado na oralidade e na escrita. Utiliza-se táticas de ensino que facilitem a memorização e a acomodação dos conteúdos linguísticos.
6. Recursos didáticos
Seguir o livro quando possível trazendo o lúdico e a criatividade para a sala de aula através de dinâmicas, músicas, vídeos e filmes que permitam a motivação de participarem e utilizarem o conteúdo oferecido. Apropria-se dos recursos audiovisuais para estimula-los reinforçando para acomodar o que foi visto.
7. Avaliação
Avaliações serão em maior parte individuais, porém em dupla apenas na oralidade onde o estudante é conduzido a aplicar o que aprendeu com outro colega.
Atividades realizadas durante as aulas e corrigidas no caderno.
Oralidade e participação do aluno durante as aulas.
Prova escrita onde o aluno testa todo o conhecimento acumulado durante a unidade.
8. Referências bibliográficas
MENEZES, Vera; TAVARES, Kátia; BRAGA, Junia, Franco, Claudio. ALIVE - Língua estrangeira moderna - Inglês. São Paulo, Anzol, 2012.
____, National Curriculum Parameters – Secondary Education. Disponível em: Acessado em 22 de Março de 2014.
____, Letra de música: Somewhere over the rainbow (Norah Jones). Disponível em: Acessado em 1 de abril de 2014.
terça-feira, 11 de março de 2014
sábado, 8 de março de 2014
quinta-feira, 6 de março de 2014
these two semesters of Estágio I and II, we have been regarding the importance
to teach learner-centered classes, which was constantly stressed not just by the
Professor Fernanda Mota as also by all the authors mentioned in this final
report. As they claim that the aim of education is the students, thus, teachers
have to be aware that the classes should be prepared for them. Teachers should
center on the students’ needs, motivations and interests, not on their own
personal ones.
his book The Second Language Teaching
& Learning, Approaches, David Nunan put into words some of his
definitions about the traditional model (behaviorism) and the experiential
model (constructivism), in which behaviorism works only with the transmission
of knowledge giving the absolute authority to the educator engendering a
passive role to learners and so, it is totally teacher-centered. While in a
constructivist viewpoint, the teacher is a facilitator in the students'
learning process; he is directed to take into consideration students’ needs
where he cares about helping learners to develop their autonomy enabling them
to participate and transform their knowledge, generating competent students to
achieve the success in his learning skills, self-inquiry, social and
communication skills, and thus, it is entirely learner-centered.
In this teaching experience, I also learned
how to reconcile approaches, methods and skills, where I could teach students
the grammar contents as well as using the language with the function of
communication. I also made great effort to teach the four language abilities:
Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing, and besides all that, I had to refer
to my pedagogic creativity which helped me a lot to teach more interesting,
ludic and creative classes appealing to students’ attention which allowed the
classes to be more learner-centered reinforcing the principles of the
should admit that I have much more to learn as a teacher day after day and that
it was a very short time for us to develop all that, but even so, it was a very
profitable and efficient experience for me to widen the perspective about
education, to develop my teaching skills and to learn about teachers’ duty and
position. I should say that I am quite happy to discover that I could be able
to overcome all the barriers that teachers unexpectedly may face in their
teaching progression concerning the hard public school system, so, having a
feeling of accomplishment for having fulfilled the duty. The
expectations that frustrated me were because of some students who ignored to
attend classes, the ones who neglected the importance to learn English and
because of their lack of assiduity and declining school attendance. As for the
rest, it was a really fruitful and enriching experience.
almost all my lesson plans, I struggled to prepare more learner-centered
classes making great effort to employ the inductive approach rather than the
deductive. Proceeding according to many of the theories we learned throughout
the course, I was really determined to follow them for I thought it was the
great opportunity to apply everything we saw theoretically. For that reason, I
did not lose the time, I idealized all the excellence that was passed to us,
and with a daring courage, I risked everything to test if it could indeed work
in a context that was not propitious and favorable at all to all that pedagogic
language teaching theories, such as in Brazilian Public School.
I may
say that almost everything that I planned had its way to be accomplished
without mentioning the fortuitous circumstances that used to assault me daily,
such as: students who missed the classes frequently, students who never studied
at home and never did their homework activities, students who missed the
classes and arrived the next day without seeing the previous content and then I
had to review over and over again. Because of all those obstacles, I developed
a useful sense of flexibility that challenged me every day and that helped me
to widen teaching perspective, and in spite of all that, I could apply many of
the theories whenever I had the chance to be with them in real classes. Thus I
would say that in most of my classes, the basic structure of the plan that I
planned I could apply, yet, I had to make a few changes. With respect to
fitting all the class stages with the timing, in the first classes I had some
problems, but in the third week onwards, I learned how to manage that as I
started to perform all the stages I planned in due time.
most of the classes were planned to be learner-centered where I made enormous
effort to work with the inductive approach as I was always aware to elicit and
enable students to infer the meaning by themselves. But of course, unavoidably
in some circumstances, I had to mix with the deductive approach for it would be
impossible to give a lesson without some direct explanations, where the teacher
explains directly rather than eliciting students to infer by themselves.
classes were varied in the sense that I focused on many aspects of teaching, given
that I had the brief chance to work with reading texts, with grammar content,
with listening and speaking skills and hence I tried to work with as many
methods and approaches as possible. The methods I most used in class focused on
Communicative Language Learning, constructivism and inductive teaching; for the
grammar content and for all the other skills and aspects of the language worked
in class, I could mingle The Communicative Language Learning with the
constructivism, in view of the fact that I focused on the communication
function acting more like a counselor and facilitator rather than an
authoritarian leader,
also applied The Natural approach whereby I tried to provide some inputs when I
uttered and wrote sentences inviting them to participate in the class dynamic.
I mixed features of The Grammar translation method with The Direct method for I
used the target language as much as possible working with vocabulary and
grammar and also with The Audio-lingual method since I focused on the
pronunciation as well.
The AVALI exam of the 1st
and 2nd grade of humanities and natural sciences began at 08:30
where there were only five students. The teacher joked with a student by
telling him that she knew who his girlfriend was and that if she knew about his
behavior, she probably would beat him. A student asked questions about the
exam, the teacher explained and then the class became silent for a big while;
students seemed to be really concentrated in that.
In the middle of the exam, by
having an opportunity, I asked a student if they enjoy learning English and I
found out a student who liked it and could communicate somehow in English with
me. But the problem that appeared in my mind was that I should work with a
method that would engage everyone not just this singular one. He told me he got
in touch with the language by playing games, he also answered me "in
English" that he liked to play soccer. He also told me that he would
probably study Letras when he finishes the High School. That was a good but
inappropriate opportunity to interact with them for they were answering their
exam, but I could be in advance a little bit aware of some of their
quarta-feira, 5 de março de 2014
We entered the class at about 08:20
AM, six students sat in their places and the teacher started explaining all the
process to answer the Portuguese, composition and mathematics exams. It took
approximately fifteen minutes for the students to ask questions and discuss
with the teacher about how to answer properly in the chart of the exam. Thus,
they started to answer the exam at around 08:30 AM when the class became
totally silent. At 08:45 AM the principal came in the class and paused their
exam to clarify any doubt they might have about the process to answer the exam.
All of a sudden, the teacher started complaining with a student because he was
talking to one of his classmate as if he was doing that in order to show off
because there was somebody else in the class.
A student still with doubts called
up the teacher in order to help him understand the answering process better.
Another pupil started to talk to his classmate and the teacher started to
complain asking him to get back in his place. The first student finished his exam
at about 09:25 AM and he already wanted to leave the room, but the teacher told
him that they were allowed to leave only in the right time, so he kept waiting
there for a while. Two students finished the exam together and left the room
but one of them has not done the composition. A girl handed the exam without
having done the composition and the teacher tried to motivate her to do it but
she merely left the room. Two more students left the room at 9:40 AM. The one
before the last student handed the exam and the teacher checked if her answers
were ok and the last one handed the exam at 9:50 AM when the teacher noticed
the student had not written her name properly in capital letters.
For the mathematics' exam with the teacher Emanuel
students from the 2nd A and B were joined in the same room at 08:04
AM. The exams started at 08:07 AM; with an anxious and uneasy atmosphere
students were very agitated and they started joking around saying they needed
desperately to cheat on the test for they did not remember anything they had
studied. Most of them did not show any empathy with the test as if they ignored
the content presented in the exam.
Some students discussed with each other uninterested
and indifferent as if they were not prepared for the exam and they did not care
about it. Most of them seemed lost and totally unprepared. The first student to
hand in the test in blank left the room at 08:15 AM; it started as domino
effect and soon another student also gave it up at 08:17 AM. The third student
left soon at 08:19 AM. The class became silent a little when suddenly a student
looked at me and asked me which subject I would teach, I answered him that I
would teach English and then he made fun saying that unfortunately I would not
be able to help him in that hard situation and then a girl said jokingly that
for me to have achieved the English I must had passed through Math as well and
that probably I could help them.
Some students looked at a girl who appeared to be
really involved with the exam and started to ask for her help aloud. Another
student handed the exam in blank at 08:26 and just after one more student found
courage to give it up as well leaving the room together. Other students just
left one minute after. Two more students left the room together at 08:28 and
other two more at 08:29 and then eight more students started leaving and
handing the exam. With about six students still trying to answer the exam, I
saw a girl counting on her fingers and trying to look at her classmate’s exam,
this same girl gave it up and left the room at about 8:30, subsequently another
student gave it up too. All at once, two girls who had already handed the exam
came back to the class and started asking their teacher to give their exam back
so that they could answer something they had remembered, but the teacher did
not allow it. Another student handed the exam at 08:33 and another at 08:34.
The next-to-last student handed the exam at 8:37 and finally the last one
handed it at 08:38.
Since I arrived late that day, I did not take much
note about it and I could register just that the chemistry exam finished at
about 08:50 and almost all the students were still doing it. I could realize
that in comparison to mathematics, in other exams, students behaved less
anxiously and were more involved in the test; they usually make less noise and
they do it properly. The Mentor teacher Leli explained to us that there are
differences in students behavior in the days of exam according to the subject.
The exam that most make them anxious is usually math and we could realize that
indeed they act very differently at each day of test. After the exam finished,
we went to the teachers’ room and Mentor teacher Leli started talking to us (me
and four more students-teachers from Estágio II) about students’ behavior and
how we should approach the methods with them. She told us that we better assess
them just with written activities because participation and oral assessment are
quite subjective since there is nothing to be proved in it while the written
activities is something that is marked and then it can be evidenced.
She also told us that we are supposed to make the
same final exam with the classmate that took the same grade and hence we should
make the plans with contents in line with our classmates '. I asked her some
questions about bringing to them tasks that I could stimulate them to create
and speak sentences, she answered me that I could try it for I am here for
experiment, but in support of what she already know about them with her own
experience it would be really difficult, it can succeed or not, but chances are
too rare. We started asking her the best methodologies we can use and she
explained to us that we had better teach them in a more superficial and
traditional way, not going too deep for they will find it odd or boring, so we
better show things superficially and practically.
She told us also that whenever we are going to teach
them a grammar topic, we should at first explain the structure in Portuguese in
order to make them visualize the syntax and grammar aspects that they do not
know even in Portuguese. For example: as I asked her how I could teach them the
"Relative pronouns", she told me that I should show them what is a
"Relative pronouns" using first the Portuguese language in order to
clarify their mind how "Relative pronouns" plays in the language,
that they are necessary to reunite two pieces of information that talk about
the same subject and so on; she also told me that we had better teach some of
the easiest "Relative pronouns", not all of them such as
"whose" for instance, and if by the way I show them the relative
pronoun "whose" I should work on it on the very surface.
terça-feira, 4 de março de 2014
The Mentor teacher Zuleide, known as Leli was
very punctual, she entered the room at exactly 11:00 o'clock. She greeted all
the students who were at first about three or five and were all seated
separately and far from the center of the room. As she greeted them, I was
searching for a suitable place to sit. Then, she asked all the students to come
closer to the centre in front of her since they were seated all separately. As
she started asking about their weekend,
some of the other students begun to enter the room. When most of
them had arrived, she introduced me to
them by telling them playfully that she was already too old and for that reason
she was about to be retiring and therefore I was going to be her substitute, I
was going to be their new teacher. All of them looked at me and greeted me; one
of the boys sent me a funny kiss that I got a little bit embarrassed, but I
took it as if it was a teen's joke.
A very talkative and smart girl looked at me and
said "Good luck! They say we're the
best class they have here!" I can not deny that it has arisen some
anxiety in me, for I was not sure if it was an irony or a fact. But anyway, I
tried to remain optimistic and deep inside I was eager to know if they enjoy
learning English. The Mentor teacher Leli started to write on the board some
sentences using the verb tense "Past perfect". And after she finished
it, she began to explain how we form it [the subject + verb (to have) in the
past "had" + the main verb in the past participle].
She explained to them that in the case of the
regular verbs, they just have to put the "ed" at the end while in the
case of the irregular verbs as they have already received a chart with all of
them and thus the students just need to search for it and check it in their
chart. She also explained to them how and when to apply this verb tense by
showing them that it is used to express an action that had happened in the past
just before another action occurred, so the sentence should have more than just
one period. She explained to them the affirmative and the negative form as
well, by showing them the right place for the negation "not" and its
contraction form "hadn't". Almost in the end of the class, the Mentor
teacher Leli made a quick review about the "Tag questions" explaining
to them that when the sentence is affirmative, the tag question should be in
the negative and vice versa.
When the class finished, we talked a little bit
about that class which she explained to me that they are not assiduous and that
I would face problems such as having just few students or none in occasional
days. She told me that they usually do not bring their books and that I should
apply some written activities as a way to control their participation. I asked
her about the possibility to stimulate them to learn how to speak the language
with pair oral activities, she answered me that they were not used to it and
that they would probably find that odd.
That made me rethink about what we have been
learning throughout Estágio's subjects; like after she had described all that
reality I thought that it would be a big challenge to apply everything we have
been taught. I have been idealizing a way to stimulate them to pronounce the
words properly and make sentences in English to use the language with the
function of communication, however, I felt somehow challenged with that
obstacle the Mentor teacher Leli has subtly warned me. But she told me that I'm
free to use the approaches and methods I feel at ease since we are there to
At the beginning of the
semester, the Professor tutor Fernanda Mota proposed us to teach in a public
school offering us two choices: Manoel Novaes or Henriqueta Catharino and as my
criteria to choose was according to the time that would fit with other
disciplines I take at UFBA and according to the small period I stay in
Salvador, I ended up taking the school Henriqueta Martins Catharino with the Mentor
teacher Zuleide Ribeiro Pereira Batista in the class 2nd A in the
morning shift, which, according to the Mentor teacher Leli, was a class not
meant to be available for the teaching practice because of the recurrent
students' dropouts.
The school environment
was from a typical public school with lots of frenetic and energetic teenagers
making noises, joking around and talking. The classrooms were somehow large, in
some classes, students fulfilled all the desks, while in others, there were
just a few students distributed randomly. Their behavior was so energetic that
frightened the visitors unaccustomed to that context. Even so, they seemed to
be respectful to the teachers. The teacher’s attitude seemed to be of a natural
authority with a certain distance but in class they seemed to act more
accessible to the students’ needs.
All though I could
observe just a real class in this school, because I arrived in a week of exams
and from what I could analyze in this single real class, the teacher seemed to
work very traditionally with no space for the revolutionary theories we have
learnt at UFBA. Besides that, she worked with no contextualization, no interaction
in the target language and no meaningfulness based on the usage of the grammar
A short review of the book "Techniques and principles in language teaching" by Diana
Larsen-Freeman (2000), where, according to the author, the actions are the
techniques and the thoughts are the principles since she conceives the term
"Language teaching method" as a coherent set of links between actions
and thoughts in the procedure of teaching a foreign language.
Therefore, she tries to bring out thoughts that
guide someone's action as a teacher which one may not be conscious about and
she also demonstrates how to put those theories into action. According to the
author, all the methodological theories she wrote in the book were based on her
own experience in teaching the methods/approaches course at the School for
International training.
In this book, the author describes some of the main
methods used in the language pedagogy that contributes enormously to amplify the
perspective in teaching a second language, such as: Grammar-translation method,
Community language learning, Total physical response, Suggestopedia, The silent
way, The natural approach, The direct method and The audio-lingual method.
A brief inspection in the book Learner-centered English Language Education by David Nunan reveals
some of his useful theories in teaching a second language which are the
deductive and inductive approaches. According to the author David Nunan, the
deductive approach is more traditional and teacher-centered and it is based on
the open explanations displayed by the teacher while the inductive is
learner-centered and the teacher’s role is to conduct students to get the idea
through inferences.
Both the deductive and inductive approaches are
unavoidably necessary when it comes to teaching in a public school and for the
inductive one is even more revolutionary and indispensable in order to break
the traditional approach and allow the classes to be more learner-centered and
thus arousing some autonomy in the students' learning process.
Just like the learner-centered and constructivism
assumptions, the National Curriculum Parameters also conceive education as a
means of constructing autonomous people who are able to think, reflect, act and
transform their surroundings for better. For the National Curriculum Parameters,
education is a tool of social transformation with humanistic conceptions where
students should be prepared not just for the academic matters but they should
also be taught how to find their places in society. It concerns about creating
people aware of their position in the world trying to cover all the human
New direct and indirect influential texts and media
that served to set up this work will be also included in this final report: "No Books and 150 Students" by Kim Hughes, where the author
demonstrates that it is possible to teach efficient classes in a context with
few resources. "To teach
Standard English or World Englishes? A balanced approach to instruction" by Thomas S. C. Farrell and Sonia
Martin, the authors discuss about the differences of the English language
around the world trying to break the linguistic and cultural bias, he raise awareness that
there is not the ideal English but rather many cultural and linguistic
diversity that should be respected as well. The movie Freedom writers by Richard LaGravenese,
contributed to show that the craft of teaching goes beyond the curriculum contents where the
teacher acted as a transformer of students' perspectives
and lives for better.
English Language Education" by David Nunan, which he defends that the
function of education is to enable students to learn and it is devoted to the
students needs. The book "TESOL"
by Kumaravadivelu, which he shows weak points about authenticity,
acceptability and adaptability in CLT. "Second Language Teaching &
Learning" by David Nunan, which he demonstrates the distinction
between an humanistic tradition (behaviorism) and the experiential model (constructivism).
"Classroom management" by
Marilyn Lewis which she talks about
the two motivations in the class: the intrinsic and the extrinsic
one. "The ELT Curriculum: A flexible
model for a changing world" by Denise Finney, which she
approaches the models of curriculum focusing mainly on the constructivism
principles, where the classes must be learner-centered for students autonomy
and focus on the function of the communication.
The main purpose of this work is to reflect on the
theories and practices developed throughout Estágio
Supervisionado em Língua Inglesa II, being based also on the background
constructed in the course LET B28/29- Estágio
Supervisionado em Língua Inglesa I and II, some of the pedagogic theories that were analyzed through our observation and
applied in our practice in classes.
This final report displays the main movements of the
theories I learned and my practices as a trainee teacher in the public school
Henriqueta Martins Catharino, all that I learned in practice since I was
inexperienced. It also shows some contributions of the researches and readings
I did about the methods to apply in class and it reveals all the creativity I
had to appeal on my own, which I learned how to develop.
After the introduction, this final report also
contains five observation sheets in which I reported on the classes I observed
at the public school Henriqueta Martins Catharino with the Mentor teacher
Zuleide Ribeiro Pereira Batista in the group 2nd
A grade that soon I was going to teach all by myself. Even though, in my
observations, I just had one day of real lesson, since the others were just
exams that I most observed, those observations contributed immensely for me to
engage with students and to grasp some notions about the pedagogies and methods
I should use with them. I started to pay attention to their needs and began to
reflect on them.
It also encloses all the lessons plans that I taught
during a period of more than just one month which was constituted by only ten
days of classes and two days for the final exam. As a result of the strike we
had last semester, the trainee period was shortened. It displays all the
activities that were applied in class and some homework activities as well as
all the classes reports which detail many aspects of my first experience as a
teacher, such as the methods and approaches I had in mind as I tried to apply
always willing to keep the class more learner-centered with the constructivism,
inductive and communicative language teaching educational perspectives.
It also presents the Professor feedbacks about my
classes as she went there two times to observe my performance as a teacher,
analyzing and contributing with her appraisals and recommendations. It reports
all the movements of the classes, everything that happened there, the students’
responses to my approaches, the way that classes were conducted, our
relationships, our communication, our empathies, the warm-ups, the creativity I
had to discover in my pedagogic potentiality, the flexibility I had to develop,
the results, students participation, all my efforts to be understood and to get
their attention and so on.
I may be sincere that at the beginning of the
semester I was somehow very anxious if by any chance I would get a difficult
class to handle, because of my lack of experience and my intrinsic need of
perfection, but in the end, everything just fitted properly for me. And just as
the Mentor teacher Leli has told me previously, they were a great class
regarding their respect, obedience and solicitude. On the other hand, they were
not assiduous at all, which made it really difficult to keep on following the
contents; they missed the classes many times in which in most of the cases I
had few students in a group that have more than ten students. But even so, the
days they were in class, I really enjoyed their accessibility to participate in
all the activities I proposed.
In the beginning of the classes, I was also in doubt
about the contents I should teach, I asked for the Mentor teacher's suggestions
and she told me that I could teach anything from that specific unit in the book
which was too large for just one month of classes. Thus, I tried to reach a
consensus with my classmate Jefferson as we decided to use some main texts and grammar
topics from the school book that was borrowed to us trainee teachers.
In spite of all difficulties that I had at the
beginning, I should say that it was indeed a fruitful experience for me, for I
could apply many theories I had learned in Estágio
Supervisionado em Língua Inglesa I and II, and therefore, I could
understand what it feels like to be a teacher, how the teacher should prepare
the lessons, manage things in class, be flexible at all the time, develop
activities and exercises that would be suitable and helpful for their occasion
and so on.
segunda-feira, 3 de março de 2014
I arrived in the school
at 7:40 but I could apply the exam just at 8:20 because Jefferson needed to
make copies of the exam. So, I entered the classroom and the two girls were
already there waiting for me; I greeted and organized them and explained the
procedures to answer the exam. We started the exam at 8:25 AM. For the text
interpretation, I told them that if they did not understand the sentences in
English, they could ask me to translate it, as I did with most of them, but the
text I was not supposed to translate for I had already asked them to read it
previously. They told me the text was very hard to understand as they had read
it at home, but I imagined that it would be viable because, at home, they were
free to resort to many resources to understand that text.
The class remained in
silence for a while but occasionally a student used to inquire me about the
personal pronoun as she was confusing all of them; she thought "she, he
and it" were first person and "I" was third person, but I
explained her several times for she was asking me repeatedly about that. But
finally she silenced and the class got back to peace. They finished the exam at
8:50 and I told them that I could not give the results that day, because they
should come again next week for their teacher Leli would give their results.
Alone in the room, I corrected the exams and I was really satisfied with the
results, they were very good with text interpretation and a student surprised
me amazingly for she demonstrated my methodology had worked well and also
because she has shown that she studied hard and learned everything, she got 9.0
and the other one got 7.25. I am very glad with the final results.
I arrived in the school
at about 8:00 o’clock AM, I went to the teacher’s room where I found Andressa
there and I asked her about the teacher Leli, she told me she was waiting for
her too. Since Leli was taking too long to arrive in the teacher room, I
decided to ask some other teacher about her, he told me she was in the office
room. I went to the office room and then I found the teacher Leli with Rafaela
who was still putting students' grades in the class diary. Then, I asked her if
my students had come that day, she asked me to go there and verify as I went to
my classroom. When I entered the class, there were many noisy students from
Jefferson’s class, in the middle of them I saw just a student of mine, another
student was missing and someone told me she was out of the class.
I called the only one
student to get closer as I sat near her and asked about the absent student as
she confirmed she was outside. Then I said I would not wait for her as I
started the review just with her. Jefferson's students were making much noise
and then politely I asked them to leave the room because of their noise and
they obeyed me leaving us in silence. I told her to take note of the grammar
topics with the corresponding pages in the book; I handed out the review
activity and I started reviewing each one of the four topic, eliciting her to
remind them as I had all her emergent doubts cleared up. I realized that in an
exclusive direct relation to just a single student, they usually feel more
comfortable to ask about their doubts and they participate more, engage more,
we perceive their doubts and thus they learn much more.
As she had some more
doubts about Tag questions, I helped her to understand its usage, which for
affirmative sentences, negative tag questions, and for negative sentence,
affirmative tag questions. I elicited her to realize that we have to use the
same auxiliary verb of the sentence with the same verb tense, if the first
sentence start with the auxiliary verb to be, the tag questions should also use
the verb to be and so on. In the middle of the class, at about 9:10 AM, the
other student entered the room as I looked at her seriously, but I called her
to get closer to us. She came and I asked her to wait until I finish the review
with the student.
I reviewed everything with the first student and
I read the dialog with her, then she left the room. As for this late student, I
explained her that since she had arrived very late, I would be very fast with
her. I handed out the activity and I started reviewing each one of the topics
but in a very brief way, fortunately she showed to have some domain in the
topics I was presenting. I asked her to study hard and I told the pages in the
book for her to study those topics as well. Then I asked her to read the
dialog, she read it with my direction helping her to understand and to realize
the grammar topic usage and then we left the room at about 10:30 AM. Although the time was very short to review four grammar topics, I was
very practical and objective with taking this little time to review everything
and students contributed for they have reminded and clarified their doubts in a
short time
I arrived in the school
at about 7:50 AM and I went to the teacher’s room where I found some of my
classmates there. We talked about the exams and so on; then I saw Jefferson and
we were instructed to apply the exam at the same room, but since his students
were already busy, we decided to apply it in our own classes. Hence, I entered
in the classroom at approximately 8:20 AM and there were almost all the
students that have appeared already in the class except for a student who had
totally disappeared. Someone of her colleagues told me she was dating outside
the class and then I thought "Oh God! I know she is already destined for
the summer school exam, but at least she should have come for this
exam." I started to organize the
class separating all the students and after that, I handed out the exam.
I read everything
explaining the procedures to answer it and they got started at about 8:30 AM.
They were all very silent and I noticed that most of them who did not come to
classes had troubles with answering it. Some of them came to me to ask about
the last question which I explained again that they should create a sentence
using the indefinite pronoun some, any, no/none and another sentence with its
compound forms. I had worked with these pronouns always contextualizing them,
bringing them through texts, songs, sentences, dialogs and so on, but even so,
they seemed to have problems with it. I started to try to make them remember
some songs’ name which had this pronoun when finally they all
remembered some of them.
The first one to leave,
even though he used to come to class in the first days, but he stopped coming
when I began to teach this content, he had not done the activities which were worth
points, he handed the exam and I could see he was not successful in it. When I
started to correct it, I saw he had not studied it even if I have asked him to
study through the slip of paper with the grammar explanation and activities
that I gave to him. He took a grade of 4.0, yet when I analyzed his previous
grade, I got surprised for he just needed two points to pass. When all of them
finished the exam, I started to correct it as I told them to wait that I would
give their grade and the final result soon.
The ones who did the activities throughout the class
got better grades than the ones who did not; and for those who did not, I
measure the exam as if it was worth 10 points. I got surprised by one student
who just came on the first and on the last day, and even so, he took a better
grade than many who came regularly. When I asked him about it, he told me he
had studied through the slips of paper activity I gave him on the last class.
Since I imagined that in the following days students would not come, I decided
to give their results and exams that same day. When I finished the corrections,
I started to tell their grades and I advised a student who needs to do the
final exam in the summer school that our next meeting would be on January 6th
, 2014. I asked her to tell the absent student that she also needs to do
this exam. I thanked all of them, said goodbye and left the room.
I'm satisfied because most of them had passed the
year, even the ones who never came to my classes. For the one who took a good grade
attending just one class with just one activity, I'm happy too, for he has
showed that he was an autodidactic student, learning everything just following
the written activity I gave him, which portrays the underpinnings of the
learner-centered and constructivism ideals that is the autonomy in the learning
process. I also realized that the two ones who were to do the final exam were
the ones who had missed previous units grades, so it was impossible for them to
pass even if they took a ten grade.
I arrived in the school
at about 10:00 o’clock and I went to the teacher’s
room where I saw a teacher who teaches there before me and I asked him since he
had already taught there if I could teach there earlier. He told there were few
students and I should hurry up because they were leaving. I went to the classroom
straight away. However, when I entered the room, there was nobody, so I decided
to go after them around the school when I found a student who had been in the
class just in the first day for he considered himself already passed the year.
I asked him to come into the class and I asked about the others; he told me he
would go to the class and he went to call one of his classmate who was
somewhere in the school. I went to the classroom in order to wait for them to
come in.
I started to clean the board and prepare the
materials that I was about to use. When they came in, they sat in front of me
and I began to call the roll. I greeted them and I started to show some of the
compound forms on the board eliciting them to understand their meaning. Then I
explained about the game we were to play. With the ideas of the Content-based
instruction approach in mind, I wrote the name of the game "Guess who is
the famous" on the board and elicited them to understand the name. I asked
who wanted to be the first to come to the front of the class with his back
against the board. A student volunteered himself and I explained the game's
dynamic by telling that since there were just two students in the class they
would have five chances to guess who the famous is and that if they get it
right at the first clue sentence, they would win five candies, and at each miss
attempt, they would lose a candy, so if they guess it right just in the last
chance they would win just a candy and if they miss all the chances they would
win no candy.
When they saw the candies in the box, their eyes
seemed to shine as they acted really ardently to play the game. Then, longing
for playful purposes with contextualization and constructivist principles, I
started the game by writing the name of a famous on the board where just the
other student could see it and I gave to the first volunteered student a paper
with the sentence written with the compound forms of the indefinite pronouns
describing attributes of the celebrities. I read the sentence and then I asked
him to read it and with no translation he should guess who it was. Since this
first student rarely came to classes, he had some difficulties at guessing it
at first for he knew just three or four words of the sentence, but I kept
helping him by giving clues just in English until he finally got it right at
the third time, so he won just two candies at this first round. The second
student is the one that is talented with English and he got it at the first
chance and he won five candies. We kept playing rounding the two of them until
the candies finished and I had to create another sentence clue since all the
ones I had done were already used. The talented student got many candies for he
was really able to interpret the sentences giving the answers right away.
They adored this game, but I do not know if it was
for the cognitive purposes or because of the candies. This game was really
motivating since they truly made huge efforts to improve their cognitive
English schema which I could notice they started to recall every English word
they had inside their minds. Since this warm-up took too much time, I hurried
to start with the song I had planned. When I wrote the song’s name on the board,
the talented student became so happy for he said he already knew that and that
he loved that song so much. I answered: cool! Then I got it right! Thus, I
elicited them to understand the song meaning "Somewhere I belong", I
helped them to pronounce it and I asked what are the words they think they may
find in the song. He told me it is probably about a guy who is constantly
searching for a place where he can feel better, where he finds a sense of
belonging. I was really amazed for he already knew the song idea.
The other student told us that he did not like Rock
and Roll songs, when the talented one who adores this genre, teasingly started
to call his classmate a fag because he just enjoyed pagode ones. I displayed
the song vocabulary on the board eliciting them to understand the meaning, then
I handed the lyrics out and played the song as they started to fill it. Since
they were not sure if it was OK, I had to play it four times until they felt
secure about it. I invited them to sing it, just me and the one who likes that
genre sang the song. In the end of the class, I asked about the compound forms
and the song main idea, they showed they were really fast learners as they
answered me properly. I advised them to study those
indefinite pronouns and its compounds forms for the exam. For homework, I asked
them to answer questions 1 to 4 to page number 130.
This class was great as well, even if I had used the traditional behaviorism
model for I have motivated all the students to participate with external reward
strategies, but it worked anyway, even if apparently the real purpose of
learning seemed as secondary goal.
As most students were leaving school before 11:00 o’clock
because of their other classes which were ending earlier than usual, I decided
to arrive earlier, so I arrived in the school at 10:00 o’clock and went
directly to the classroom to verify if there was anybody there. When I entered
the room, there were four girl students. I greeted them and I told we should
start that time so that they could be free to leave earlier. I asked them why
they have not come last class which I was very disappointed for their
negligence; they answered someone told them there would be no class that day as
they took opportunity to run off earlier. I was quite sure they would come that
day for I thought I had motivated them about the song we would work with.
But anyway, I started doing a brief review about the
grammar content they have seen and for my despair, they acted as if they did
not remembered in spite of all the efforts and elucidations I had done. I felt
further frustrated about that, as if it were not enough but as I started to
evoke their memories it all started to be recognized again. I reminded them of
the rules for the indefinite pronoun usage and I started to show its compound
forms on the board eliciting them to understand how they are formed, what they
mean and that they are applied according to the same rules of the indefinite
pronoun. I asked their homeworks and explained that it will be graded; they
told me they have not done it yet and asked me to hand in the next class. That
day there was just a girl who had not come last class and she came to ask me
the homework and the activity; I handed it out to her and begged her to bring
it next class for it will be part of their grade.
For the song activity I wrote the title on the
board, I elicited them to understand it and then I asked the words they expect
to hear in the song. Since I elicited them to come into the conclusion that the
song addresses the fidelity and loyalty, they mentioned some words like
friendship, companionship and trust. I praised them for their craftiness in
getting the idea very fast and in predicting it with logic arguments. Then I
started to write on the board the song vocabulary as I made efforts to make
them get the idea without translation.
Following the inductive approach, I elicited them to
understand each main vocabulary, they were very good at it for I had very few
challenges to make them understand. I helped them regarding the pronunciation
as I read the lyrics in order to enable them to understand what they were about
to listen. I handed out the "I'm with you" lyrics and told them that
while they were listening to the song they should fill in the blanks with the
words they hear which were some of the compound forms indefinite pronouns we
had just seen. I explained to them about a broken rule usage that is in the
song as they understood that in songs it is normal to break syntax and grammar
rules in order to keep the rhymes, timing and harmony.
I played the song "I'm with you" by Avril
Lavigne and students listened to it three times and even so they had problems with
filling it, probably because of the huge noise out there; thus I had to read
again the lyrics so that they could hear the missing pronouns as they filled
it. When they finished, I invited them to sing and when I played that again I
could hear just my own voice, they felt no self-confidence at singing it at
all, all though they told me that song was really beautiful which it seemed
they were enjoying the class artistic atmosphere.
After that, I asked them of what they have understood
about the compound form, they told me it should be used as well as according to
the indefinite pronoun rules they have learned in the previous class. Then, I
asked about the themes we can find in the song and we discussed the fidelity
and devotion that is necessary to keep any relationship going right, and for
homework, I asked them to do the exercise on page number 121 to 123.
Although the noise was so annoying, the class was
also very productive because the song motivated students to be engaged with the
class. So, I just would have changed the noise that was impeding for a better
communication and it would have allowed them to hear the words of the song. And
as I struggle to perform the class just as I planned, always following the
class scheme in the agenda, I taught a
great class even with all these obstacles within the conditions I had.
I went to the school at
10:00 o’clock when I saw Diogo and Rafaela there and as soon as I went to the
school office to get the attendance book, the Principal told me that day would
be no class and that the teacher Lelli tried to call me to tell me but she
could not communicate with me. I told Diogo and Rafaela about that, explaining
that I had tried to call the Professor Fernanda but she did not answer it, when
Diogo told me he would send a message explaining that for me, since my cell
phone plan does not allow me to send messages but just to call.
I thanked Diogo, and
even so, I went to the class to check if anybody was there. I waited until
11:15 AM, then when I left the room I saw some students of other classes
and asked them about my students. They told me they were playing soccer in
the gymnasium of sports. I decided to go there to verify; when I arrived
there, I saw no girl but many of the boys were playing soccer dressed like
women. I decided to leave there really frustrated for having planned a lesson
and for being neglected by not being notified about that, making me spend the
As the teacher Leli called me to ask me if I could
go to class earlier than usual since students were there without class, just
waiting for the English class, we started the class at about 10:00 o’clock.
There were four girls in the classroom, the ones that almost never come to
class. They were all sitting in front of me but I should have asked them to get
closer in a circle. As I started the class, the two professors entered the room
and sat behind the class and as expected, it shook all my nerves. Then I
greeted all the students and willing to apply the constructivist and
communicative approaches, I tried my best to lead them through the construction
of knowledge as I started the warm-up inviting them to play the game
"guess what is inside the box".
With aspirations to keep the class learner-centered,
I showed the box to them and explained how to play the game as I wrote on the
board the question with the answers available for them to infer how to use the
indefinite pronoun "Some, any and no/none" by notifying that they
needed to ask me using that sentence in English. With the inductive teaching
method in mind, I attempted to make them infer how we use this pronoun by
asking: is this sentence affirmative, negative or interrogative? As they
answered me properly; and then I elicited them to understand how and in which
occasions the indefinite pronoun should be used but at first in general rules.
With the perspective of the approach Task-based
language teaching, I started the game encouraging them to ask me using the
written sentences by helping them with the correct pronunciation, which I
handled to make them use the target language in a meaningful task. I began to
give clues about some of the objects I had in the box speaking in the target
language as I tried to make them infer the clues by using mimics, giving clues
like relating words to the object, just speaking in English, drawing the object
on the board or even giving clues sentences in Portuguese, as I avoided to the
maximum any direct translation, and thanks to God they were all very successful
since the students were really able to understand very fast all of them.
Following the constructivism principle about
contextualization and situational topics, whenever they got the idea, I
conducted them to ask me using the written interrogative sentence on the board
as it was a great way to keep them using the indefinite pronoun. When they
asked me, I answered with the affirmative or negative sentences by eliciting
them to understand the sentences: for positive answers I answered positively
showing the object to them and with negative responses I answered with one of
the three written possible negative answers to apply the indefinite pronoun.
This experiment task in associating the language to
a simulating real situation was really meaningful and I got success in all my
attempts. As I finished with the general rules to apply the indefinite pronoun,
I started to elicit them to understand that those rules had some exceptions,
when I handed out the slips of paper illustrating all those details. Then I
asked someone to read, and as nobody took initiative, I started to read the
paper illustrating all the exceptions, and at each new exception, I elicited
them to understand through examples that were in the paper and also through
examples that I gave spontaneously.
When it finished, I started to write some vocabulary for the following task to enable students to understand it better. I did my best to enable them to understand the vocabulary and the result was very successful but the only problem is that there was just one or two participative students, while the other two kept more silent and I forgot to engage these others. As I finished with the vocabulary display, with behaviorism and communicative aspirations, I asked them to do another task which was to perform a role-play through a contextual dialog where all those taught rules were applied. As there were three characters in the dialog and since there were just four students in the class I had the insight to call the teacher Leli to perform the "waiter" character with one group while I performed it in the other group.
They did it very well with my guidance helping them to pronounce properly and understand the text. In the wrap-up, I asked them about the rules they have learned and I got really satisfied when I realized they understood all I had taught. For homework, I handed out the activity for them to apply the indefinite pronouns with all the rules they had seen. I really enjoyed this class for I conducted them to understand, not just showing rules but rather eliciting them toward the construction of knowledge as I struggled to apply many teaching useful approaches and methods. The class was indeed a success, I just needed to foster everyone’s participation, for I tended to interact with the most responsive students.
I entered the room at exactly 11:00 o’clock and
there was nobody in class, I started preparing the material as I waited for
someone to come in. As the time was going by I went after them in order to find
someone out of the class and then I found a student and I asked him to come in.
He said to me only himself had came that day and I told him we would have class
anyway. I greeted him in English and realizing his potential for the language,
I decided to speak most English than Portuguese. He just loved it and made
efforts to communicate as well. He was the most interested student in English
in the class but even so he hardly comes to classes. And since he had not came
in the last lessons, I could not make the warm-up as I had planned by asking
about the latter subjects we worked. I had to leave out the first stage of the
plan as I took the time to warn him about his missing classes and that I did
not have any of his homework even though I knew he was a great English student.
And since he had not read the text about sanitation I asked him to do it
because it will be in the final exam.
I reflected I should work that day just with the
song and when I told him about the song he became so enthusiastic. Then,
beginning with pre-reading activities, I wrote on the board the song's name asking
him if he knew already that song and if he understood its name. He told me it
was familiar, but he was not quite sure about it as he answered he just knew
the word "rainbow". He guessed something like "Onde sobre o
arco-íris", I told him not exactly, then I made him deduce by asking him
"what does the word "where" means?" he knew it and then I
took him to conclude by himself the meaning of "some + where"; after
understanding it, he could deduce the whole title. I was amazed by his
potential to associate and deduce very fast with just one simple elucidation. I
asked him what words he may find in this song, I even asked in English and in
most cases he could understand it properly, he said to me some sentences like a
beautiful and colorful place, a quiet and nice place to go. I was also
surprised by his talent to feel the song with just the title as he told me he
was very good at literature and he enjoys interpreting texts.
So, I started to write on the board the most
challenging words of the song by making him deduce the meaning of them with
just a simple clue. The word "clouds" I drew it on the board and he
immediately remembered it, the word "lullaby" I sang a Brazilian
lullaby song and he got the idea right away. "Bluebirds", he could
understood it without my interventions, for the word "melt", I asked
him: "what does happen if we put an ice under the sun?" He got it so
fast and then I continued doing that with other words as he was very good at
getting the meaning of all of them. After showing him the most challenging words,
I explained to him the while-activities: when he listens to the song at the
first time, he should draw any image that comes in his mind, he should feel the
song as I told him that it was to stimulate his ability of imagination. At the
second time there was another while activity, he should fill in the blanks with
the missing words.
I played the song for the first time as he started
drawing, he was so enthusiastically doing that. After that, he showed me the
picture with a big rainbow, full of birds, and many other impressions he could
sense. He drew it like a dreamful and idealized place as he demonstrated he
could feel the song quite rightly. Finally, I handed out the lyric, I played
the song for the second time as he filled it very efficiently. Unfortunately,
there was no time for us to sing it and in the wrap-up, we started discussing
the main idea of the song.
He demonstrated he was really a great interpreter,
since he argued: "but teacher, this world described in this song is an
utopia, it is like a dream world, there's not such a thing for real." And
I told him that the main idea was about an idealistic person who dreams about
an ideal and nice place where everything is perfect, where there's no wars, no
troubles and that it is there somewhere over the rainbow. It shows a person
dissatisfied with the reality that puts his faith on the horizon of the
rainbow. I explained to him that most artists have idealistic veins which they
appear to be always idealizing and trying to bring it into songs.
I noticed he was really amazed and engaged in our
dialog. We finished and I asked him to read the page number 119 as homework. He
told me he was to study English Letras for it is so attractive to him; he
showed to have potential for literature and artistic inclinations. It was the
most fruitful and pleasant class that I ever taught. I thought about working
with songs every day since it was really appealing for students to pay
attention and engage. He was so fascinated at analyzing and listening to the
song. With this activity we worked the four abilities reading, writing,
speaking and listening since he put his ears in tune with the song and
furthermore with reflections, imaginations and so on. Thus, I want to work with
songs in all the coming Fridays.
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